This app predicts the species of the Iris flowers by taking in the dimensions of various parts of it. The predictor finally shows the species once the prediction is done. This app uses a two layers of ML models to predict the species. The first one being a Dimensionality Reduction layer and the second one being the actual classifier. Scikit-Learn's Principal Component Analysis algorithm is used as the Dimensionality Reducer and a Random Forest Classifier is used as the Classification model to determine the species. Since all the inputs are numeric, a Standard Scaler object is used to normalize the inputs before sending it into the ML layers. All of these Scikit-Learn layers are packed inside a Scikit-Learn pipeline.
Sepal Length:- The sepal length of your Iris flower in centimeters(cm). Min value:- 4.3, Max Value:- 7.9
Sepal Width:- The sepal width of your Iris flower in centimeters(cm). Min value:- 2.0, Max Value:- 4.4
Petal Length:- The petal length of your Iris flower in centimeters(cm). Min value:- 1.0, Max Value:- 6.9
Petal Width:- The petal width of your Iris flower in centimeters(cm). Min value:- 0.1, Max Value:- 2.5