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Mall Customers Segmenter

This app determines to which customer group the input values of your customer belongs to, according to this dataset. The table chart above shows you the different groups of customers segmented by my ML model. The main criterion for segmentation is the Spending Score and the other important supporting criteria includes the Age, the Gender and the Income of the customer. There are two underlying ML models used by this app that work together to put a customer into one of the aforementioned groups. The first model calculates the Spending Score, it is a Random Forest Regressor built using Scikit-Learn. The second model uses the Spending Score calculated by the first model as its input and allots a group through clustering. It is a K-means clustering model built using Scikit-Learn.

Gender:- The gender of the customer. Available Options:- Female, Male

Age:- The age of the customer in years. Min value:- 0.0, Max Value:- 121.0

Income:- The monthly income of a person in USD($). Min value:- 0.0, Max Value:- 10000.0

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