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Pizza - Steak Classifier

This app distinguishes whether the uploaded image contains pizza or a steak. Click the 'Usage' tab to the right to see how to use this app. Similar to the Food Vision Classifier, this model cannot distinguish images without pizza or a steak. The dataset I used to train the underlying model used by this app does not contain a class that represents images that do not contain either steak or pizza. So, I am sorry, but at this moment, this app is incapable of handling these kinds of images. The underlying model used by this app is a Tiny VGG-based Convolutional Neural Network built in Tensorflow v2. I wrote about this model to see how I designed it.

Upload Image:- By clicking on the browse button and selecting an image file in the file browser window, you can select the image on which you want the model to predict.

Supported File formats:- Any JPEG, PNG or BMP image is supported in any resolution. The app will take care of the preprocessing.

Transparency:- If your image contains transparency, it will be removed as a part of image processing.

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